In 2001, she started his music career as ELECTRICAL LOVERS. The second single “Double Spiral” caught the ear of Norman Cook and was used in FATBOY SLIM’s “Live On Brighton beach-BIG BEACH BOUTIQUE” (DVD work) and Mixmaster Morris’ mix CD “Ambient meditations 4 The song was used in Mixmaster Morris’ mix CD “Ambient meditations 4” (God bless the chilled), and was highly acclaimed both inside and outside of Japan. She has also produced radio commercials for Kewpie Mayonnaise, remixes for popular artists, in-store background music for Estnation and UNIQLO, and space music for aquariums, hotels, and museums.
As an official DJ for the TOKYO 2020 Olympic Games, she was entrusted with music direction for the Budokan, where she directed the medal rush for Judo and Karate.
She has been invited to many high brand parties such as Tiffany, Cartier, HERMES, Dior, Louis Vuitton, etc., underground parties, and large festivals like UMF, and has performed all over Japan, as well as in Asian countries, IBIZA, New York, San Francisco, Moscow, Uruguay, etc., using her wide range of musical knowledge.
In recent years, she has been actively releasing music on overseas labels such as Natura Viva (Italy), Hontas (Spain), flower power (London), and Amselcom (Germany), while studying under meditation master Nirmal Raj Gyawali. She is certified as a coach by the Japan Meditation Association and creates sound baths using crystal bowls tuned to 432 Hz, retreat facilities, and music for meditation.
2001年よりElectrical LOVERSとして音楽活動をスタートさせる。セカンドシングル「二重螺旋」はノーマン・クックの耳にとまり、FATBOY SLIMの「Live On Brighton beach-BIG BEACH BOUTIQUE」(DVD作品)やMixmaster MorrisのMIXCD「Ambient meditations 4 God bless the chilled」に使用されるなど、内外から高い評価を得る。マティス展、横山大観VR美術館、グランドハイアット東京、エストネーション、ユニクロ、様々な商業施設の空間音楽をプロデュース。また、TOKYO2020オリンピックのオフィシャルDJとして、日本武道館の音楽演出を手掛けた。
DJとしても、Tiffany, Cartier, HERMES, Dior, Louis Vuitton, といったハイブランドのパーティーからアンダーグラウンドパーティー、UMFといった大型フェスまで、幅広い音楽知識を生かしワールドワイドな活躍を見せている。近年はイタリアのNatura Viva、スペインHontas、ロンドンflower power、ドイツAmselcomなど積極的に海外レーベルからのリリースを重ねながら、A=432Hzにチューニングされたクリスタルボウルを使ったサウンド・バスや、リトリート施設、メディテーションのための音楽を制作している。
Calvin Klein, Cartier, Tiffany, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, DIESEL, ARMANI, FENDI, Moët & Chandon, PAUL & JOE, Belvedere, HERMES, Christian Dior, TOP SHOP, Veuve Clicquot, Swatch, Ray-Ban, LACOSTE, VIDAL SASOON, LEXUS, Dom Perignon, RED BULL, UNIQLO, MASERATI, PIAGET, COINTREAU, A|X, adidas, NIKE, PUMA, MINI, KFC, CHIVAS, Ravijour, WARNER, Wacoal, SONY experia, CAPCOM, WELLA, Audi, FRANCK MULLER, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Mercedes-Benz, Alfa Romeo, ABARTH, Philip Morris, ROGER DUBUIS, SHISEIDO, MAYBELLINE, COACH, KENZO, MTV, Roberto Cavalli, Lancel, Fuji Film, Fox, YAMAHA, Hennessy, LANCOME, HYDROGEN, REMY MARTIN, Veuve Clicquot, Citroen, McLaren, FIAT, NISSAN, MAX&Co, WeWork, Netflix, BMW, Chaumet, and More.